Browsing Artikler - Vitenskapelige by Title
Now showing items 193-203 of 203
“We are seen as a threat”: Police stops of young ethnic minorities in the Nordic countries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This article focuses on the perspectives of young ethnic minorities in the Nordic countries who have experienced various forms of “police stops”, i.e. situations where the police stop them without any reference to a specific ... -
Where`s the intelligence in the UK`s National Intelligence Model?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)This article investigates the status of community intelligence within The National Intelligence Model (NIM) in the UK. The study included focused interviews with 23 intelligence practitioners across the UK police ... -
Whistleblowing and neoliberalism: Political resistance in late capitalist economy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)The reigning global market ideology, frequently referred to as neoliberalism, inherently strives for fewer economic regulations in order to create greater wealth for humanity. Whistleblowing, on ... -
Wildlife crime in colonial and post-colonial times: Who fares best?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Wildlife crime is an increasing problem worldwide. Based on empirical research, we examine how the criminal justice systems of Brazil, Colombia, Uganda and Norway perceive and respond to such crime, with Norway as the main ... -
The Window of opportunity: Organisational challenges in the development of competence in the police patrol’s investigation of domestic violence against children
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Research into the police’s investigation in cases where there is a suspicion of domestic violence against children, has mostly examined what happens to the child during interrogation by specialists. By applying an interpretive ... -
Workplace bullying after whistleblowing: Future research and implications
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Findings: Empirical research has documented the link between whistleblowing and workplace bullying and the devastating effects on health that may follow (e.g. depression and symptoms analogous to post traumatic stress). ... -
Ytring: Om «samfunnsnyttige oppgaver» i ungdomsplaner. Behov for reform?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Ved konfliktrådsloven av 2014 fikk vi for første gang på mange år straffereaksjoner som var rettet spesielt inn mot unge lovbrytere: Ungdomsstraff og ungdomsoppfølging. -
Å forbedre en etat: Om læring gjennom eksisterende systemer i politiorganisasjonen
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Reformer i offentlig forvaltning tar ofte utgangspunkt i å endre atferd via formelle strukturer og formaliserte prosedyrer og rutiner (Røvik, 2007). Likevel viser forskning at formell struktur og faktisk atferd i organisasjonen ... -
Å forebygge ulvedrap
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article deals with the prevention of the illegal hunting of wolves in Norway and is based on research conducted between 2016 and 2019. The main actors are the local police and the rangers / guards of the ... -
Å målstyre skjønnsutøvelse: Profesjonalisering av politiets utlendingskontroll
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Basert på kvalitative intervjuer med 63 ansatte i politiet utforsker artikkelen hva migrasjon betyr for profesjonalisering av politiet. To politioppgaver peker seg ut: kontroll av identitet og uttransportering av personer ... -
Økosystemeffekten : om personvernet i sosiale medier
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)«Økosystemeffekten» betegner at sosiale medier som Facebook og YouTube inngår i en større sammenheng med gjensidig forsterkende effekter. Bruken av mediene har konsekvenser for personvernet fordi opplysninger kan utnyttes ...