Browsing Artikler - Vitenskapelige by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 203
Adressesperring som hjelpetiltak for voldsofre
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)This article discusses results from an evaluation of confidential address tactics. Confidential addresses can be assigned to women and children who have been victims of domestic violence and cannot be protected in other ... -
AI, trustworthiness, and the digital Dirty Harry problem
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a game changer on many fronts. For the police it offers new ways of carrying out investigation, surveillance, crime prevention and order maintenance. Questions have been raised about ... -
Alderen som objektivt straffbarhetsvilkår: dit og tilbake igjen?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Etter ordlyden i straffeloven § 195 tredje ledd om seksuell omgang med barn under 14 år fritar ikke villfarelse om barnets alder fra straff. I 2005 kom Høyesterett til at denne regelen var i strid med uskyldspresumsjonen ... -
"...andre til Skræk og afskye": reaksjoner på selvmord i det tidlig moderne Norge 1536-1800"
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2000) -
Are they all the same? : norwegian police officers' personality characteristics and tactics of conflict resolution
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)The issue of whether police officers possess certain personality characteristics that make them unique has been the subject of an extensive line of research. Several researchers have found evidence of a 'police personality', ... -
Automatisert rettshåndhevelse på nettet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)What is the meaning of the proposition that the law applies to the Internet? The current article examines this proposition in relation to criminal law and to the widespread problems of malware and sexual abuse material of ... -
Bak den norske overvåkingsdebatten
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Hvordan resonnerer deltakerne i overvåkingsdebatten over sitt ståsted, og er debatten så polarisert som den fremstår i avisspaltene? Vi har intervjuet personer som jobber med overvåking eller deltar i det offentlige ... -
Becoming a professional digital competent teacher
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The aim of this Norwegian study is to focus on challenges and possibilities concerning professional digital competence (PDC) for teacher education encountering students in transition between the position as private and ... -
A Bird’s-eye view from the field: how a police experts network can be an Important link in facilitating sustainable community-oriented policing inpPost-conflict context
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Police reform in post-conflict societies is increasingly important in international peace support operations. Post-conflict situations are complex and addressing security and insecurity issues is therefore challenging. ... -
Capturing knowledge of police investigations : towards a research agenda
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)The purpose of this paper is to articulate a set of interlinked research propositions about knowledge management systems in relation to police investigations and in particular the possibilities of capturing the investigative ... -
Characteristics of effective SIOs : a content analysis for management in police investigations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)The Senior Investigating Officer (SIO) is in charge of a criminal investigation in law enforcement. As the leader of a crime solving project, it has been argued that the SIO need investigative ability, crime knowledge as ... -
Cheats, threats and reflexivity: Organizational narratives on policing organized and economic crime
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Drawing on narrative criminology and sensemaking theory, this paper explores interpretive patterns in an interagency policing collaboration that targets ‘work-related crime’ (WRC). WRC is a policy term denoting organized ... -
Cognitive and human factors in digital forensics: Problems, challenges, and the way forward
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Digital forensics is an important and growing forensic domain. Research on miscarriages of justice and misleading evidence, as well as various inquires in the UK and the US, have highlighted human error as an issue within ... -
Comparing discourse to officer perceptions: The problems of war and militarization in wildlife crime enforcement
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)‘War’ has become a common model and metaphor for biodiversity conservation in Africa. By discussing the specific challenges of wildlife crime enforcement in Uganda, this article challenges the ‘war on wildlife crime’ ... -
Conceptions of success: Understandings of successful policing of human trafficking
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Most organizations experience multiple demands that impede the performance of organizational tasks. Different and sometimes conflicting demands may also cause divergent definitions of success and goal attainment in the ... -
Conducting critical research on powerful organisations: Challenges for research independence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Independence and integrity in research are prerequisites for objective and ethically responsible research. At the same time, image promotion plays a significant role in many contemporary organisations, and this might ... -
Conflict processes between youth group in a norwegian city : polarisation and revenge
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)This study analyses the dynamics of conflict between two youth scenes in the Norwegian city of Kristiansand, commonly described as ʻthe neo-Nazisʼ, and their counterparts, referred to as ʻthe anti-racistsʼ or ʻthe Valla ... -
Corruption and trust in the police: A cross-country study
(Journal article, 2013)International surveys show that trust in the police varies substantially between countries. This study investigates the underlying causes of this variation, and in particular the effect of perceived corruption in the public ... -
Dataavlesing som etterforskingsmetode
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)I NOU 2009 (Kap. 23) drøfter Metodekontrollutvalget innføring av dataavlesing (skjult overvåking av aktiviteten på en datamaskin) som ny metode for politiet. Forslaget går ut på at dette ikke skal anses som en selvstendig ... -
Datakrimretten i «fugleperspektiv»
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Artikkelen gir en oversikt over datakrimretten. Området anses å bestå av tema innen materiell strafferett, straffeprosess, politirett (forebyggende politiarbeid) og folkerett. Det foretas et tilbakeblikk på de lange linjer ...