Now showing items 108-127 of 203

    • Om straffeloven § 333 og politiets hjemmel for å kreve opplysninger om personalia 

      Fredriksen, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i at straffeloven § 333 har en dobbelfunksjon, som både straffebud og inngrepshjemmel. Det gis en kort oversikt over innholdet i bestemmelsen, før det redegjøres for at dobbelfunksjonen ikke ...
    • On Academic Freedom for Police Researchers 

      Holmboe, Morten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Few would contest the value of academic freedom, i.e. the principle that researchers are free to ask critical questions and publish their findings without interference from the authorities. In practice, difficult questions ...
    • Opportunitetsprinsippet i politiretten 

      Rønning, Hild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Opportunitetsprinsippet åpner for at politiet selv kan bestemme om, og i så fall på hvilken måte, en tjenestehandling utføres når de rettslige forutsetninger for handlingen er oppfylt (Auglend & Mæland, 2016, s. 657). ...
    • Organisasjonskulturen i politiets beredskapstropp 

      Glomseth, Rune; Gottschalk, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006)
      Beredskapstroppen er politiets spesielle innsatsenhet mot sabotasje, terror, gisselsituasjoner, vanskelige væpnede oppdrag og organisert kriminalitet. Den er en del av ordensseksjonen ved Oslo politidistrikt. Denne operative ...
    • Organiserad brottslighet i Norden 

      Korsell, Lars; Larsson, Paul (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Organised crime in the Nordic context could best be characterized by two extremes. On one hand, there are the ad hoc-groups that form to carry out criminal enterprises such as smuggling operations. These ad hoc-groups are ...
    • Organisert kriminalitet: en kunnskapsstatus 

      Larsson, Paul; Korsell, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Much of our knowledge about organized crime is based on data from official sources. The police, courts and public officials are central contributors of information used in the media discourse and in research on organized ...
    • Organizational climate and investigation performance in the Norwegian police: A qualitative study 

      Lone, Jon Anders; Garnås, Alexander; Myklebust, Trond; Bjørklund, Roald; Hoff, Thomas; Bjørkli, Cato (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The present study aimed to identify organizational climate dimensions that are salient for police investigation performance and to explicate the mechanisms of the relationship between organizational climate and investigation ...
    • Organized crime the Nordic way 

      Korsell, Lars; Larsson, Paul (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Organized crime in the Nordic countries shares some common traits and usually takes the form of small and flexible networks. There are very few, if any, Mafia-like groups. The level of corruption of officials is low and ...
    • Patterns and Consequences of Threats Towards Politicians: Results from Surveys of National and Local Politicians in Norway 

      Bjørgo, Tore; Jupskås, Anders Ravik; Thomassen, Gunnar; Strype, Jon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Norway has experienced vicious acts of anti-government terrorism in the form of a massive car bomb attack on the government district and a shooting massacre on members of the youth wing of the governing Labour Party in ...
    • Påtalemyndighetens praksis som rettskilde 

      Myhrer, Tor-Geir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2003)
      Emnet ”Påtalemyndighetens praksis som rettskilde” er en spesialstudie av spørsmålet om, og eventuelt i hvilken grad bestemmelser, avgjørelser og praksis fra andre enn lovgiver og domstolene med Høyesterett i spissen, kan ...
    • Perceived adequate education in ethics: A way to tap into ethical SNS dilemma awareness? 

      Bjørkelo, Brita; Almås, Aslaug Grov; Helleve, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Teachers are role models when it comes to ethics both on- and offline. Teacher education aims to prepare preservice teachers for future on- and offline situations and issues that may be of ethical concern. Education in ...
    • Perceptions of interprofessional collaboration 

      Strype, Jon; Gundhus, Helene Oppen Ingebrigtsen; Egge, Marit; Ødegård, Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Interprofessional collaboration has been described both as an opportunity to meet the demands of a complex society, but also as a potential threat to professional autonomy. Interprofessional relationships are central in ...
    • Personality and hardiness among police students: An evaluative pilot study 

      Risan, Patrick; Skoglund, Tom Hilding; Sandvik, Asle Makoto; Milne, Rebecca Jane (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The purpose of the current pilot study was to evaluate the suitability and usefulness of short-form measures of personality (BFI-20) and hardiness (DRS-15-R) for an upcoming research project. We used a sample of police ...
    • Physical fitness and use-of-force performance for police students : The Impact of body height, body mass, age, and gender 

      Henze, Kenneth; Klausen, Lars Kaae; Martìn, Gitte Fuentes; Dillern, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      All patrolling police officers, regardless of body composition, age, or gender, are expected to meet the physical challenges to which they are exposed. Some challenges can be extremely demanding, such as situations where ...
    • Police Deprivation of Third Parties’ Liberty: A Field of Tension between National Police Law and the European Convention on Human Rights, as illustrated by Austin & Others v the United Kingdom 

      Fredriksen, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      In Austin & Others v the United Kingdom The European Court of Human Rights came to the conclusion that the use of a police cordon, also known as “kettling”, where approximately 2000 people were forced to remain inside the ...
    • Police leadership as a professional practice 

      Filstad, Cathrine; Karp, Tom (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In this paper, we ascertain whether a practice-based approach can increase our knowledge of police leadership. This approach represents an alternative to normative management models which have dominated the management ...
    • Police leadership development: Intentions and critical success-factors 

      Vanebo, Jan Ole; Bjørkelo, Brita; Aaserud, Terje (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The Norwegian Police Service (NPS) have been heavily criticized after the 22 July 2011 terror attacks at Utøya and in Oslo. One of the evaluation reports stated three shortcomings in the NPS: culture, attitudes ...
    • Police personnel cultures : a comparative study of counter terrorist and criminal investigation units 

      Glomseth, Rune; Gottschalk, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      There seems to be no such thing as one single police culture. Depending on organization, structure, and task, culture in the police varies. In this research, counter terrorist police and criminal investigation police in ...
    • Police students’ social background, attitudes and career plans 

      Fekjær, Silje Bringsrud (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Purpose: To compare the social background of Norwegian and Swedish police students. Are there differences in the students’ social background, and if so, are such differences reflected in different attitudes and career plans ...
    • The police’s intelligence-led crisis management: Crossing knowledge boundaries of operational and intelligence practices during acute crises 

      Hoel, Linda Antoniett; Filstad, Cathrine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Major, acute crises call for efficient crisis management. This study examines how understandings of police operational and intelligence officers affect collaboration and information sharing during acute crises. The paper ...