Browsing Artikler - Vitenskapelige by Title
Now showing items 180-199 of 203
Ungdomsstraff og ungdomsoppfølging: En oversikt og noen kritiske merknader
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Ungdomsstraff og ungdomsoppfølging er nye tiltak som kan gi strafferettspleien et bredere spekter av reaksjoner overfor de unge lovbryterne. Det er positivt at lovgiveren prøver ut nye reaksjonsformer overfor denne gruppen. ... -
Unpacking preventive policing: Towards a holistic framework
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Assuming that society is better off if the harm caused by crime – including the costs entailed by the investigation, prosecution and punishment – can be avoided, the proactive approach of preventive policing (PP) is generally ... -
Unpacking the Theory-Practice Nexus in Basic Police Education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)A meaningful connection between theory and practice is crucial for strengthening education quality, especially in professional education programmes such as police education. Meanwhile, the increasing academisation of police ... -
Unødig ventetid ved ungdomsoppfølging og ungdomsstraff: Påtalemyndighetens ansvar for saksflyten
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Etterforsking av et straffbart forhold skal skje så raskt som mulig (straffeprosessloven § 226 siste ledd). Dette gjelder særlig når lovbryteren er ung. I slike saker er det ekstra uheldig om saken trekker ut i tid, siden ... -
Upper and lower musculoskeletal back pain, stress, physical activity, and organisational work support: An exploratory study of police investigative interviewers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Police investigative interviewers in special victims’ units have particularly stressing work conditions. Being few in numbers, with highly specialised competence, the health and well-being of this workgroup are key. This ... -
The use of historical call data records as evidence in the criminal justice system: Lessons learned from the Danish telecom scandal
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Historical call data records (HCDR) are frequently used as evidence in criminal trials. However, several inherent uncertainties are associated with HCDR data, and, additionally, errors may occur when law enforcement processes ... -
Utdanning : et rasjonelt valg?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)Rasjonell aktør-teori fremstår i dag som den dominerende teorien for å forklare sosial ulikhet i utdanningsvalg. Men har vi egentlig tilstrekkelig empirisk grunnlag for denne teorien? Denne artikkelen gir en oversikt over ... -
«utformet ved samarbeide av talløse slegter og folkefærd, baade de mindre og de mere civiliserede»: Tradering og sjangre på den digitale allmenningen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)As an unintended consequence of the business model of social mediacompanies, a newactor has entered the process where tradition creates new genres: the algorithm.Platform algorithms live dynamic lives in intimate ... -
Verdibasert refleksjon i planlegging og erfaringslæring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Denne artikkelen argumenterer for bruken av en systematisk verdibasert refleksjon både til beslutningsstøtte i en planleggingsfase og som metode for erfaringslæring. Indirekte kan den også gi beslutningsstøtte i form av ... -
Verdibevisst politiledelse: En analyse av politileders verditenkning i et verdibasert ledelsesperspektiv
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Artikkelen søker å belyse hvordan man kan forstå og analysere verdiene som opererer i politiorganisasjonen. Med utgangspunkt i noen politilederes verditenkning blir deres verdier knyttet opp mot sentrale begrep ... -
Vold og trusler mot "særskilt utsatte yrkesgrupper" i straffeloven av 2005: en sammenligning med reglene som verner offentlige tjenestemenn
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Etter straffeloven av 1902 vernes offentlige tjenestemenn mot vold og trusler ved særskilte straffebud. Også hindring av offentlig tjenestemann i tjenesten rammes. I straffeloven av 2005, som ikke har trådt i kraft, har ... -
En voldsom maktbalanse? : en studie av relativ makt og forekomst av partnervold
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Studien undersøker sammenhengen mellom partneres relative maktforhold og utøvelse av partnervold. Maktbalansen i parforholdene defineres gjennom partneres relative utdannings- og inntektsnivå. Jeg skiller mellom tre typer ... -
Voldsutsatte kvinner og deres erfaringer med politiet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)In this article abused women from five Norwegian shelters reveal their experiences with the police. Employees at the shelters will also tell about the police work from their point of view. The central obstacle between the ... -
“We are seen as a threat”: Police stops of young ethnic minorities in the Nordic countries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This article focuses on the perspectives of young ethnic minorities in the Nordic countries who have experienced various forms of “police stops”, i.e. situations where the police stop them without any reference to a specific ... -
Where`s the intelligence in the UK`s National Intelligence Model?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)This article investigates the status of community intelligence within The National Intelligence Model (NIM) in the UK. The study included focused interviews with 23 intelligence practitioners across the UK police ... -
Whistleblowing and neoliberalism: Political resistance in late capitalist economy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)The reigning global market ideology, frequently referred to as neoliberalism, inherently strives for fewer economic regulations in order to create greater wealth for humanity. Whistleblowing, on ... -
Wildlife crime in colonial and post-colonial times: Who fares best?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Wildlife crime is an increasing problem worldwide. Based on empirical research, we examine how the criminal justice systems of Brazil, Colombia, Uganda and Norway perceive and respond to such crime, with Norway as the main ... -
The Window of opportunity: Organisational challenges in the development of competence in the police patrol’s investigation of domestic violence against children
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Research into the police’s investigation in cases where there is a suspicion of domestic violence against children, has mostly examined what happens to the child during interrogation by specialists. By applying an interpretive ... -
Workplace bullying after whistleblowing: Future research and implications
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Findings: Empirical research has documented the link between whistleblowing and workplace bullying and the devastating effects on health that may follow (e.g. depression and symptoms analogous to post traumatic stress). ... -
Ytring: Om «samfunnsnyttige oppgaver» i ungdomsplaner. Behov for reform?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Ved konfliktrådsloven av 2014 fikk vi for første gang på mange år straffereaksjoner som var rettet spesielt inn mot unge lovbrytere: Ungdomsstraff og ungdomsoppfølging.