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Recent Submissions
Humour, sexual harassment, and police managers´ discretionary practices
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Remarkable differential verbal and non-verbal/performance cognitive profiles in homicide and sexual offenders with adult victims
(Journal article, 2024)Introduction: On average prison populations show lower cognitive scores than the general population, but it is also acknowledged that inmates are highly heterogenous and that verbal and non-verbal ability scores might ... -
Unpacking the Theory-Practice Nexus in Basic Police Education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)A meaningful connection between theory and practice is crucial for strengthening education quality, especially in professional education programmes such as police education. Meanwhile, the increasing academisation of police ... -
Machineries of knowledge construction: Exploring the epistemic agency of digital systems in policing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Understanding the contours and dynamics of police knowledge production necessitates consideration of not only the roles of organizations and humans but also the various technologies that are employed by the police. This ... -
Preventing the use of force through police negotiation: Exploring the role and potential of the Norwegian Crisis and Hostage Negotiation Unit
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The aim of negotiation is to avoid violent intervention in situations and incidents where people are acting in a threatening manner. The use of negotiators has proved an effective response to critical incidents. Through ... -
Politiet + pressen = sant?: En analyse av narkotikadebatten i perioden 1991–2021
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Politiets bruk av media som plattform for holdningsskapende arbeid i kriminalitetsforebyggende øyemed er et underutforsket felt. I denne artikkelen belyses det politiske potensialet som ligger i en slik praksis, gjennom å ... -
Politiets krise- og gisselforhandleres brudd med operativ politikultur
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Forskningskommentaren er basert på en studie av politiets krise- og gisselforhandlere (KGF). Studien er unik ved at den bygger både på observasjon av krise- og gisselforhandlernes arbeid og på intervjuer med forhandlerne. ... -
Enhancing self-reported assessment of working conditions in policing: Revisiting the psychometric properties and applications of the police stress questionnaire
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objectives Policing is recognized as a highly stressful occupation, encompassing stressors not commonly encountered in other fields. In response, police-specific stress scales have been developed and used when studying ... -
To have or have not: Limiting the data available for subsequent use by the police
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In search of evidence in criminal investigation police often collect data in bulk, and the question addressed concerns whether the bulk data as a whole or only in part may be deemed available for subsequent use. The article ... -
An explorative study of police student’s decision-making in a critical incident scenario simulation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Sound use-of-force decisions are essential for police performance in critical incidents. In this exploratory study we seek to better understand the decision-making processes that are involved. Eighty-six third-year police ... -
Produce to protect: The Real reason why change initiatives fail
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article challenges the concept of resistance to change and the normative approaches that continue to govern current organizational practices. It argues that the logic of, and conditioning into, rational economic theory ... -
Reassembling operative policing: The introduction of drones in the Norwegian police
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Drones are increasingly being used in various areas of society, including in the police. The drone and its sensors make it possible to collect live images of people, places and situations that are otherwise unavailable or ... -
Fra praktiske ferskinger til ferske praktikere: Om kunnskap, kultur og identitet i politiutdanningen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Norsk politi skal jobbe kunnskapsbasert. Forskningsbasert kunnskap skal prege oppdragsløsning og saksbehandling. Politihøgskolen er det viktigste redskapet politiet har til å fremme denne kunnskapstypen. I artikkelen ... -
The police’s intelligence-led crisis management: Crossing knowledge boundaries of operational and intelligence practices during acute crises
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Major, acute crises call for efficient crisis management. This study examines how understandings of police operational and intelligence officers affect collaboration and information sharing during acute crises. The paper ... -
Keyless coordinators: The Family and sexual violence coordination scheme and its challenges in protecting human rights in cases involving persons with intellectual disability
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)From organisational perspectives, this study examines coordinatorsʼ experience in the field of domestic violence and sexual abuse, regarding the coordinator scheme and role. The paper has two related research questions: ... -
Unpacking preventive policing: Towards a holistic framework
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Assuming that society is better off if the harm caused by crime – including the costs entailed by the investigation, prosecution and punishment – can be avoided, the proactive approach of preventive policing (PP) is generally ... -
The Role of verbal peer feedback in the police: A Scoping review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Police officers, like other professionals, need to develop their competence and skills in correspondence with society. Peer feedback has been proven to significantly affect learning in the educational setting, and colleagues ... -
Patterns and Consequences of Threats Towards Politicians: Results from Surveys of National and Local Politicians in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Norway has experienced vicious acts of anti-government terrorism in the form of a massive car bomb attack on the government district and a shooting massacre on members of the youth wing of the governing Labour Party in ... -
A Bird’s-eye view from the field: how a police experts network can be an Important link in facilitating sustainable community-oriented policing inpPost-conflict context
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Police reform in post-conflict societies is increasingly important in international peace support operations. Post-conflict situations are complex and addressing security and insecurity issues is therefore challenging. ... -
Upper and lower musculoskeletal back pain, stress, physical activity, and organisational work support: An exploratory study of police investigative interviewers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Police investigative interviewers in special victims’ units have particularly stressing work conditions. Being few in numbers, with highly specialised competence, the health and well-being of this workgroup are key. This ...