Browsing Artikler - Vitenskapelige by Title
Now showing items 86-105 of 198
Laglöst land
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004)Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i boken "Laglöst land", redigert av Janne Flyghed og Magnus Hörnqvist. Spørsmål som drøftes er: Hvilken betydning gis lover og konvensjoner når målet er å jakte på terrorister? Hvilken innvirkning ... -
Learning how to lead police investigations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The aim of this article was to investigate how police investigation leaders learn leadership and whether the facilitation of learning activities and learning methods might bridge the well-known gap between teaching and ... -
Machine Learning and the Police: Asking the Right Questions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)How can we secure an accessible and open democratic debate about police use of predictive analytics when the technology itself is a specialized area of expertise? Police utilize technologies of prediction and automation ... -
Machineries of knowledge construction: Exploring the epistemic agency of digital systems in policing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Understanding the contours and dynamics of police knowledge production necessitates consideration of not only the roles of organizations and humans but also the various technologies that are employed by the police. This ... -
Manageability of police patrol work in Norway : the problem of implementing community policing
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)The paper presents findings from a comparative study exploring police patrol work in Europe. The study is about every day police patrol work, both emergency patrol and community beat policing. We have systematically ... -
Mangel på kvinnelig, spesialtrent operativt personell: Hvor «trykker skoen»?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Artikkelen undersøker hvor «skoen trykker» når det gjelder den lave andelen kvinnelig spesialutdannet innsatspersonell. Noen miljøer i etaten er fortsatt svært mannsdominerte. Særlig gjelder dette alle spesialavdelinger ... -
Maskulinitetsperspektiv på kriminologiens kjerneområder: Kontroll, ofre og kriminalitet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The aim of this article is to render visible and problematise conceptions and norms for performing masculinity within criminology. Approaching crime and crime control from a gendered perspective is highly relevant: Crime ... -
«Medaljens bakside»: Omkostninger av etnisk kapital for utdanning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Omkostningene av etnisk kapital har vært underkommunisert i tidligere forskning. Det har ført til en idyllisering av det såkalte «innvandrerdrivet». Tidligere forskning presenterer i all hovedsak innvandrerforeldres makt, ... -
Merely a transit country?: Examining the role of Uganda in the transnational illegal ivory trade
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Uganda is repeatedly implicated in the illegal ivory trade as a transit territory for ivory destined for Asia. Interviews with law enforcement officers reveal that the size of seizures and means of concealment and ... -
Mind the gap!: Decoupling between policy and practice in the policing of illegal wildlife trade
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Despite numerous promises and pledges at national and international levels to confront what many acknowledge as a crisis, illegal trade in wild plants and animals continues to grow and diversify. Empirical research conducted ... -
Minor harassments: Ethnic minority youth in the Nordic countries and their perceptions of the police
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)As different social groups are directly and indirectly confronted with diverse forms of police practices, different sectors of the population accumulate different experiences and respond differently to the police. This ... -
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Moralister oppfattes ofte som formanende bedrevitere. Allerede Peer Gynt rimer slik om sin medpassasjer: «Der slap det ud af ham tilsidst; – han var en tråkig moralist».1 Bokmåls-ordboka understreker denne oppfatningen. ... -
"Narkotikaen er fattig manns arbeidsgiver": organisert kriminalitet som økonomisk aktivitet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)Analysis of organized crime has had a tendency to focus too much on the economic gain as motive. Using perspectives and terminology from economic theory organized crime has been depicted as economic activity sharing basic ... -
Når politiet møter publikum: En analyse av kontakterfaring og tillit til politiet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Mange innbyggere kommer i kontakt med politiet hvert år. Tidligere forskning viser at graden av tilfredshet med denne kontakten kan ha betydelig innvirkning på tilliten til politiet. Et mindre utforsket tema er hvordan ... -
Noen betraktninger om rettsprinsippers betydning i norsk rett
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)I omtale av retten, og ved anvendelse av dens innhold, forekommer begrepene ‹prinsipp› og ‹rettsprinsipp› ganske hyppig. Om det er den ene eller den andre betegnelsen som brukes, gir normalt ikke uttrykk for noen forskjell ... -
A norwegian perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)The Norwegian Minister of Justice and the Police, Knut Storberget, predicts a DNA revolution in Norway (Dagsavisen 24.07.2007). He claims that DNA analysis is one of the most important tools available in the battle against ... -
Norwegian police students' attitudes towards armament
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Whether the police should routinely carry firearms is an ongoing debate in Norway. Although the police can carry weapons under special circumstances, the normal situation for the police in Norway is to store firearms in ... -
Norwegian youth punishment: Opportunity or trap?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The question of how the criminal justice system should deal with young offenders is an old one. Traditionally, the Norwegian criminal justice system has held that it should treat young offenders less severely than adults. ... -
Ny straffelov
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)Siktemålet med denne artikkel er å gi en oversikt over bakgrunnen for, arbeidet med og innholdet i den nye alminnelige straffelov. Alle detaljer og nyanser blir det ikke plass til. Den formelle betegnelsen på den nye ... -
Om straffeloven § 333 og politiets hjemmel for å kreve opplysninger om personalia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i at straffeloven § 333 har en dobbelfunksjon, som både straffebud og inngrepshjemmel. Det gis en kort oversikt over innholdet i bestemmelsen, før det redegjøres for at dobbelfunksjonen ikke ...