Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin - PHS by Title
Now showing items 13-29 of 29
Maskulinitet som voldens kulturelle stillas: Samfunnets forståelse av menns vold mot menn
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Til tross for at menns vold mot menn er utbredt og forårsaker mye skade og frykt, er slik vold i liten grad gjenstand for politisk bekymring eller forskeres oppmerksomhet. I denne artikkelen retter vi søkelyset mot menns ... -
Min smartmobil er min borg: Smartmobilens rolle i privatlivet og privat kommunikasjon.
(Others, 2020)I forordet til Tidsskrift for strafferetts temanummer om ny datateknologi skriver professorene Ulf Stridbeck og Inger Marie Sunde «Vi håper at heftet kan bidra til refleksjon over regulering, implementering og praktisering ... -
Norske politistudenters kunnskap om øyenvitners pålitelighet: en preliminær undersøkelse
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)To minimize errors linked to witness statements in criminal cases, it is crucial that justice system participants have knowledge about the factors affecting eyewitness reliability. Previous research has explored the ... -
Patterns and Consequences of Threats Towards Politicians: Results from Surveys of National and Local Politicians in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Norway has experienced vicious acts of anti-government terrorism in the form of a massive car bomb attack on the government district and a shooting massacre on members of the youth wing of the governing Labour Party in ... -
Perceived adequate education in ethics: A way to tap into ethical SNS dilemma awareness?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Teachers are role models when it comes to ethics both on- and offline. Teacher education aims to prepare preservice teachers for future on- and offline situations and issues that may be of ethical concern. Education in ... -
Politiets trening på bruk av fysisk makt
(PHS Forskning 2014: 1, Report, 2014)Temaet for denne rapporten er politiets trening. Den tar for seg politiets trening på bruk av fysisk makt. Studien har fokus på treningseffekt, men tar også mål av seg å si noe om årsaker til de funnene som ble gjort. I ... -
Produce to protect: The Real reason why change initiatives fail
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article challenges the concept of resistance to change and the normative approaches that continue to govern current organizational practices. It argues that the logic of, and conditioning into, rational economic theory ... -
Rapport fra 25. juni-utvalget: Evaluering av PST og politiet
(Report, 2023)Den 18. august 2022 utstedte Politidirektoratet og PST et mandat som kunngjorde at masseskytingen i Oslo sentrum 25. juni 2022 skulle evalueres under ledelse av Pia Therese Jansen. Formålet med evalueringen var å identifisere ... -
Remarkable differential verbal and non-verbal/performance cognitive profiles in homicide and sexual offenders with adult victims
(Journal article, 2024)Introduction: On average prison populations show lower cognitive scores than the general population, but it is also acknowledged that inmates are highly heterogenous and that verbal and non-verbal ability scores might ... -
Stakeholders’ views of online surveillance capabilities: a comparative analysis of the debates in UK, Finland and Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)We examine how stakeholders (n = 74) in the United Kingdom, Finland and Norway perceive security authorities’ online surveillance capabilities, and how these perceptions form patterns transcending national borders and ... -
Structured hypothesis development in criminal investigation: A method aimed at providing a broad and objective starting point for a criminal investigation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The Structured Hypothesis Development in Criminal Investigation (SHDCI) method aims to assist detectives in developing an adequate set of hypotheses, which prepares the ground for a broad and objective investigation. The ... -
The effect of 40 m repeated sprint training on physical performance in young elite male soccer players
(Journal article, 2012)The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of eight-week repeated sprint training program on maximum sprinting speed, endurance sprinting speed, jump height and the ability to repeat and recover from high-intensity ... -
Unpacking preventive policing: Towards a holistic framework
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Assuming that society is better off if the harm caused by crime – including the costs entailed by the investigation, prosecution and punishment – can be avoided, the proactive approach of preventive policing (PP) is generally ... -
Unpacking the Theory-Practice Nexus in Basic Police Education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)A meaningful connection between theory and practice is crucial for strengthening education quality, especially in professional education programmes such as police education. Meanwhile, the increasing academisation of police ... -
Upper and lower musculoskeletal back pain, stress, physical activity, and organisational work support: An exploratory study of police investigative interviewers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Police investigative interviewers in special victims’ units have particularly stressing work conditions. Being few in numbers, with highly specialised competence, the health and well-being of this workgroup are key. This ... -
«utformet ved samarbeide av talløse slegter og folkefærd, baade de mindre og de mere civiliserede»: Tradering og sjangre på den digitale allmenningen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)As an unintended consequence of the business model of social mediacompanies, a newactor has entered the process where tradition creates new genres: the algorithm.Platform algorithms live dynamic lives in intimate ... -
Women inclusion in the national police special intervention unit?: BT’s physical admission tests, challenges and possible solutions
(PHS Forskning;2023: 5, Report, 2023)The past decade has seen an increased focus on gender balance in the police. By the time this project was initiated in the autumn of 2020 an overall plan for securing a good gender balance in senior police management jobs ...