Browsing PIA by Author "Hoel, Linda Antoniett"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Evaluation of PST’s and the police’s handling in connection with the Kongsberg incident on 13th October 2021
Henriksen, Steinar Vee; Brenden, Torgeir; Hoel, Linda Antoniett; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Myhrer, Tor-Geir (PHS Forskning;2022: 9, Report, 2022)In the early evening of 13th October 2021, the man who would later be known to be the perpetrator, Espen Andersen Bråthen,2 left his accommodation in Kongsberg. With him, he had a bow, a quiver with 60 arrows, a short sword ... -
Evaluering av PSTs og politiets håndtering i tilknytning til Kongsberg-hendelsen 13. oktober 2021
Henriksen, Steinar Vee; Brenden, Torgeir; Hoel, Linda Antoniett; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Myhrer, Tor-Geir (PHS Forskning 2022:2, Report, 2022)I november 2021 utstedte Politidirektoratet og PST et mandat der det ble kunngjort at Kongsberg-hendelsen 13. oktober 2021 skulle evalueres. Formålet med evalueringen har vært læring og utvikling for PST og politietaten. ... -
Hvorfor velger politistudentene å bli politi?: Om verdier, idealer og et trygt samfunn
Hoel, Linda Antoniett; Christensen, Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)What motivates young people to become police officers? This article is based on a qualitative study of newly recruited police students at the Norwegian Police University College in Bodø. From the interview data, the ... -
In-field training in the police: Learning in an ethical grey area?
Hoel, Linda Antoniett; Christensen, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose Although workplace learning is an important part of professional learning, little is known about the unethical aspects of workplace learning. This study aims to describe students’ learning experiences from in-field ... -
«Kan det være godt politiarbeid?»: En undersøkelse av erfaringslæring av gråsonesaker
Hoel, Linda Antoniett; Bjørkelo, Brita (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This in-depth study investigates and discusses how police leaders lead and handle learning from experience. This is done by going into actual cases where police employees are suspected of committing criminal offences on ... -
Keyless coordinators: The Family and sexual violence coordination scheme and its challenges in protecting human rights in cases involving persons with intellectual disability
Hoel, Linda Antoniett; Moen, Karianne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)From organisational perspectives, this study examines coordinatorsʼ experience in the field of domestic violence and sexual abuse, regarding the coordinator scheme and role. The paper has two related research questions: ... -
Major changes sneak up on you, silently, as if on cat’s paws: Evaluation of the Staff and Leadership Development Programme at the Norwegian Police University College (PHS)
Hoel, Linda Antoniett; Barland, Bjørn (PHS Forskning;2017: 4, Report, 2017)The evaluation of the Staff and Leadership Development Programme has a two-part mandate. Firstly, the report will evaluate to what extent the programme has reached its objectives. Secondly, the evaluation wishes to investigate ... -
The police’s intelligence-led crisis management: Crossing knowledge boundaries of operational and intelligence practices during acute crises
Hoel, Linda Antoniett; Filstad, Cathrine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Major, acute crises call for efficient crisis management. This study examines how understandings of police operational and intelligence officers affect collaboration and information sharing during acute crises. The paper ... -
The significance of embodied learning in police education
Hoel, Linda Antoniett (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article examines the role of the Norwegian field training officers (FTOs) as they see it and what they regard as important to teach police students attending in-field training. In Norway, FTOs are lower rank police ... -
Store endringer kommer på kattepoter: Evaluering av stabs- og lederutviklingsprogrammet ved Politihøgskolen
Hoel, Linda Antoniett; Barland, Bjørn (PHS Forskning;2017: 2, Report, 2017)The evaluation of the Staff and Leadership Development Programme has a two-part mandate. Firstly, the report will evaluate to what extent the programme has reached its objectives. Secondly, the evaluation wishes to investigate ... -
...ting må henge sammen : om å arbeide tverrfaglig og praksisnært i politiutdanningen
Hoel, Linda Antoniett; Selboe, Torgeir; Lindseth, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)Artikkelen presenterer pilotprosjektet «Anvendt profesjonskunnskap» ved Bachelorutdanningen, Politihøgskolen, avdeling Bodø. Pilotprosjektets hensikt var å knytte teori og praksis tettere sammen gjennom læringsaktiviteter ... -
- Ville ikke vært det foruten...: Evaluering av Stabs- og lederutviklingsprogrammet ved Politihøgskolen
Hoel, Linda Antoniett; Barland, Bjørn; Lillevik, Monica (PHS Forskning;2019: 1, Report, 2019)PHS vedtok i januar 2014 å innføre et program for stabs- og lederutvikling. I 2016 ble en revidert programplan vedtatt i Politihøgskolens styre. Formålet med programmet er å styrke politidistriktenes evne til krisehåndtering ... -
The Window of opportunity: Organisational challenges in the development of competence in the police patrol’s investigation of domestic violence against children
Edvardsen, Oddbjørg; Hoel, Linda Antoniett (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Research into the police’s investigation in cases where there is a suspicion of domestic violence against children, has mostly examined what happens to the child during interrogation by specialists. By applying an interpretive ... -
Å gjenopprette orden : en studie av politibetjentens praktiske kunnskap - i et fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk perspektiv
Hoel, Linda Antoniett (Doctoral thesis, 2011)Avhandlingen utforsker den erfarne politibetjentens praktiske kunnskap. Studien er en fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk undersøkelse og tar sikte på å vise frem det operative politiarbeidet, samt reflektere over hva dette ...