Browsing PIA by Journals "Nordisk politiforskning"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
[Anmeldelse av "Just Authority? : Trust in England and Wales"]
(Others, 2014)Anmeldelse og kommentarer til "Just Authority? Trust in England and Wales", skrevet av Jonathan Jackson, Ben Bradford, Betsy Stanko og Katrin Hohl. -
[Anmeldelse av "Politikultur: Identitet, makt og forandring i politiet"]
(Others, 2015)Anmeldelse av Stig O. Johannessen sin bok "Politikultur: Identitet, makt og forandring i politiet". -
Conducting critical research on powerful organisations: Challenges for research independence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Independence and integrity in research are prerequisites for objective and ethically responsible research. At the same time, image promotion plays a significant role in many contemporary organisations, and this might ... -
«... dø om så det gjelder»?: De rettslige rammer for den individuelle handleplikten ved farlige politioperasjoner
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The terrorist attack in Norway on 22.July 2011 actualizes many questions. One is to what extent the State to uphold the fundamental right to life in ECHR art. 2, can expect police officers to put their own lives at risk ... -
En god og en dårlig nyhet: Om DNAs effekt på oppklaringsprosenten i vinningssaker
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The expansion of the Norwegian DNA database in 2008, the so called «DNA reform», was founded on the belief that DNA increases the detection rate of volume crime significantly. We have conducted a study of Norwegian ... -
Familievold som et spesialfagfelt i politiet?
(Journal article, 2014)Domestic violence is especially challenging for the police to deal with precisely because these crimes occur in close relationships. The proximity between the victim and the perpetrator represents a problem for the police ... -
From integration to contact: A Community policing reform?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article deals with the reform named nærpolitireformen, literarlly translated “the near police reform” in Norway. There is a wide gap between the political retorics talking about community policing and the reality, ... -
Generalistens rolle i etterretningsstyrt politiarbeid
(Journal article, 2019)I denne artikkelen tar vi for oss en viktig funksjon i den norske Nærpolitireformen, nemlig «etterretning». Vi forklarer her hva etterretningsstyrt politiarbeid er, og hvordan det er tenkt operasjonalisert i Norge gjennom ... -
«Hele skolen trenger ikke den oppmerksomheten»: Etniske minoriteters opplevelser av politiets skolebesøk påOslosøstkant
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This article addresses the perceptions and experiences of young ethnic minorities in Oslo and their frequent encounters with the police at the high schools they attend in the eastern and southern suburbs. These police ... -
Hvorfor velger politistudentene å bli politi?: Om verdier, idealer og et trygt samfunn
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)What motivates young people to become police officers? This article is based on a qualitative study of newly recruited police students at the Norwegian Police University College in Bodø. From the interview data, the ... -
«Kan det være godt politiarbeid?»: En undersøkelse av erfaringslæring av gråsonesaker
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This in-depth study investigates and discusses how police leaders lead and handle learning from experience. This is done by going into actual cases where police employees are suspected of committing criminal offences on ... -
Når politiet møter publikum: En analyse av kontakterfaring og tillit til politiet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Mange innbyggere kommer i kontakt med politiet hvert år. Tidligere forskning viser at graden av tilfredshet med denne kontakten kan ha betydelig innvirkning på tilliten til politiet. Et mindre utforsket tema er hvordan ... -
Normaliseringen av det unormale : utvidelsen i bruk av utradisjonelle politimetoder
(Journal article, 2014)This article deals with some aspects concerning the use of police methods known under many names. These methods is often said to be new, even if most of them have a long history, as untraditional or extraordinary, hidden, ... -
On Academic Freedom for Police Researchers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Few would contest the value of academic freedom, i.e. the principle that researchers are free to ask critical questions and publish their findings without interference from the authorities. In practice, difficult questions ... -
Policing the penal provisions on repeated and severe domestic violence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Penal provisions designed to cover repeated and severe abuse in close relationships have been in effect in Norway for the past decade (section 219 of the former Criminal Code, sections 282/283 of the revised Criminal Code). ... -
Politipraktikere og deres syn på politiutdanningen
(Journal article, 2014)The police as a social institution and the use of police force are often on the agenda of public debate. Thus, police training is regularly in the media spotlight, too. This article presents fresh research on what police ... -
Politistudentene: hvem er de og hvorfor vil de bli politi?
(Journal article, 2014)The article examines the reasons fresh police students have for choosing police education and what kind of backgrounds they have. Previous research has indicated that police students’ social background has changed in that ... -
Verdibevisst politiledelse: En analyse av politileders verditenkning i et verdibasert ledelsesperspektiv
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Artikkelen søker å belyse hvordan man kan forstå og analysere verdiene som opererer i politiorganisasjonen. Med utgangspunkt i noen politilederes verditenkning blir deres verdier knyttet opp mot sentrale begrep ...