Browsing PIA by Journals "Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
AI, trustworthiness, and the digital Dirty Harry problem
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a game changer on many fronts. For the police it offers new ways of carrying out investigation, surveillance, crime prevention and order maintenance. Questions have been raised about ... -
Are investigative plans at risk of becoming ʻthe emperor’s new clothes’?
(Journal article, 2022)The rise in complexity and severity of crime calls for innovations in investigative approachesin law enforcement. Ideally, investigation plans (I-plans) are an important improvement inprocedural standards and hypothesis-driven ... -
«Det er ikke oss mot dere»: Etnisitet som ressurs i politiets møter med etnisk minoritetsungdom
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Studien utforsker hvordan politiansatte med etnisk minoritetsbakgrunn kan bruke sin etnisitet som en ressurs i møter med etnisk minoritetsungdom i eller fra utsatte boområder. Vi argumenterer for at etnisitet kan brukes ... -
Does Physical Capacity Affect the Ability to Apply Use of Force?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Police work varies greatly in terms of the physical challenges that police officers are exposed to. Some physical challenges can be extremely demanding, for instance, situations where officers are compelled to arrest an ... -
Familievolden i politireformen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Norsk politi har i løpet av de senere årene gjennomgått en omfattende ny reform, nærpolitireformen, og følgelig har både strukturene og innholdet for politivirksomheten endret seg. Det er foretatt flere studier som har ... -
Keyless coordinators: The Family and sexual violence coordination scheme and its challenges in protecting human rights in cases involving persons with intellectual disability
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)From organisational perspectives, this study examines coordinatorsʼ experience in the field of domestic violence and sexual abuse, regarding the coordinator scheme and role. The paper has two related research questions: ... -
Kunnskapsbasert politiarbeid – kunnskap til å stole på?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Artikkelen svarer på følgende spørsmål: hvordan forstår politibetjenter (operativt nivå) og deres ledere (strategisk nivå) kunnskapsbasert politiarbeid og hva gjør politiet når de jobber kunnskapsbasert? Vi diskuterer ... -
Mangel på kvinnelig, spesialtrent operativt personell: Hvor «trykker skoen»?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Artikkelen undersøker hvor «skoen trykker» når det gjelder den lave andelen kvinnelig spesialutdannet innsatspersonell. Noen miljøer i etaten er fortsatt svært mannsdominerte. Særlig gjelder dette alle spesialavdelinger ... -
Opportunitetsprinsippet i politiretten
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Opportunitetsprinsippet åpner for at politiet selv kan bestemme om, og i så fall på hvilken måte, en tjenestehandling utføres når de rettslige forutsetninger for handlingen er oppfylt (Auglend & Mæland, 2016, s. 657). ... -
Personality and hardiness among police students: An evaluative pilot study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The purpose of the current pilot study was to evaluate the suitability and usefulness of short-form measures of personality (BFI-20) and hardiness (DRS-15-R) for an upcoming research project. We used a sample of police ... -
Physical fitness and use-of-force performance for police students : The Impact of body height, body mass, age, and gender
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)All patrolling police officers, regardless of body composition, age, or gender, are expected to meet the physical challenges to which they are exposed. Some challenges can be extremely demanding, such as situations where ... -
The potential to become a good police officer: Development of a competency framework for the Norwegian Police University College
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The Norwegian Police University College (PHS) needed a common terminology for the evaluation process of appli-cants’ “required aptness”. This created an opportunity to explore the requirements for the role of student and ... -
Preventing the use of force through police negotiation: Exploring the role and potential of the Norwegian Crisis and Hostage Negotiation Unit
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The aim of negotiation is to avoid violent intervention in situations and incidents where people are acting in a threatening manner. The use of negotiators has proved an effective response to critical incidents. Through ... -
Verdibasert refleksjon i planlegging og erfaringslæring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Denne artikkelen argumenterer for bruken av en systematisk verdibasert refleksjon både til beslutningsstøtte i en planleggingsfase og som metode for erfaringslæring. Indirekte kan den også gi beslutningsstøtte i form av ... -
The Window of opportunity: Organisational challenges in the development of competence in the police patrol’s investigation of domestic violence against children
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Research into the police’s investigation in cases where there is a suspicion of domestic violence against children, has mostly examined what happens to the child during interrogation by specialists. By applying an interpretive ...